Church of the Ascension

It is the goal of Church of the Ascension to provide resources and fellowship in our North Side community and wherever it is needed. May our continued prayer keep us in communion with one another during these challenging times. Please especially remember the most vulnerable in our community, including our elders, scholars and school families. ------ Es la meta de la Iglesia de la Ascensión a proveer recursos y un sentido de comunidad en la comunidad del lado norte y donde esté necesitado. Que nuestra oración continua nos mantenga conectados unos con otros durante este tiempo de incertidumbre y desafío. Favor de acordarse de los más vulnerables en neustra comunidad, incluyendo nuestros ancianos, estudiantes y familias escolares.

Parish News | Noticias de la Parroquia

Help Welcome Our Emerson Village Neighbors

Families will begin moving into Emerson Village in November. The building, on 18th and Emerson Aves. N., will provide 40…

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Join Us Sunday for Border CrosSing Recital

Join baritone Mark Billy and pianist Kira Knutson in a recital honoring Indigenous Peoples’ Day! Mark’s program features music by…

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We Are Back to our Two-Mass Sunday Schedule

Beginning Sunday, Sept. 15, we will resume our fall/winter/spring schedule of two Sunday bilingual masses, 9:30 and 11:30 a.m.  Mass…

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Prayer and Reflection / Oración y reflexión

15 de octubre de 2024

Memoria de Santa Teresa de Jesús, virgen y doctora de la Iglesia   Primera lectura Romanos 8, 22-27 Hermanos: Sabemos…

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October 15, 2024

Memorial of Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church   Reading 1 Romans 8:22-27 Brothers and sisters:…

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October 14, 2024

Monday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time   Reading 1 GAL 4:22-24, 26-27, 31–5:1 Brothers and sisters: It…

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