2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 15
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Community, 4537 Third Ave. S. Minneapolis
Facilitator: Dr. Cynthia Bailey Manns
Synod on Synodality: Pope Francis says, “The purpose of the Synod…is not to produce documents, but to ‘plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions, allow hope to flourish, inspire trust, bind up wounds, weave together relationships, awaken a dawn of hope, learn from one another and create a bright resourcefulness that will enlighten minds, warm hearts, give strength to our hands.’” (Preparatory Document, #32)
No matter Pope Francis’ decisions regarding the topics identified for further review at the 2023 Synod, we will experience joys and disappointments. Our gathering now is to practice being the Body of Christ together as we continue healing, reconciling and restoring trust within the Church and society. Please come prepared with a two-minute reflection to share during Conversations in the Spirit regarding the “healing, reconciliation and restoration” you believe needs to occur within our Church. If possible, please review the 2024 Instrumentus Laboris document.