Mass Bilingual
Our summer schedule of one bilingual Mass outdoors in the Green Space is in effect until Sept. 17.
Announcement: Mass will be streamed at 9:30 a.m. Sunday. Join the live stream.
Our summer schedule of one bilingual Mass outdoors in the Green Space is in effect until Sept. 17.
Join us on Sunday, Sept. 10, in the lower level after Mass to learn about St. Phoebe. Hear a brief history of her feast day (September 3) and how her ministry relates to the Global Synod in which the Vatican asks the faithful to “Rethink Women’s Participation in the Church.” Interactive presentation and lively discussion. […]
Our summer schedule of one bilingual Mass outdoors in the Green Space is in effect until Sept. 17.
“Off the Beaten Path: Aaron’s Story” is an award-winning documentary film by Steve Date featuring the story of Aaron Westendorp, the son of parishioners Krista and Doug Westendorp. Born with multiple neurological handicaps, Aaron’s doctors told his parents he had no chance of survival. His parents ignored the doctors’ advice and took him home. Now […]