Our Parish Life is Abundant
“Life in Abundance” isn’t just our slogan. We live it at Ascension parish in our ministries, our celebrations and our worship.
Easter Vigil 2019

The church was beautifully decorated! Thanks to the volunteers who helped with this.

The oil awaits for the anointings to come.

The new Easter candle was lit outside from a fire pit.

The service began outside.

Fr. Dale Korogi blessed the flames with an assist from Patty Stromen, our parish administrator.

The light of Christ spread throughout the church.

In darkness, we heard readings about God's promises.

There were many children, youth and adults baptized at the vigil, some received First Communion and others were confirmed.

Advent Wreath Making

Getting the greens ready for Ascension's annual Advent wreath making.

Anne and Mary cut greens down to the right size.

Catechists check in.

Tying on the greens takes a cooperation.

Each family member has a job.

Tying is a two-person job.

The youngest participant!

Sometimes you have to take a break.

First timers and old hands.

Getting ready for family Advent prayers.

Almost done!

Their first time making a wreath!

Thanksgiving Dinner 2018

Ascension's Thanksgiving Dinner ministry served more that 1,650 in 2018, a record number. John Dols and Jean Cerisier are the primary organizers.

John gives instruction to those who were there to pack individual meals.

Turkey was not on Miss Jean's menu for that evening.

All those boxes would be filled and go out for delivery.

The meal packers completed more than 500 individually packed goodies.

Turkey, potatoes, gravy, stuffing and corn.

It took teamwork to fill all those meal containers.

The rolls, pie and cranberry sauce were dished up on Wednesday.

Fr. Dale greeted workers and stopped to talk with Sue Friedman, a great supporter on this ministryl

The queen of gravy! She reigned over a huge vat full.

Dishwashers were essential.

The organized operation had all the meals out by early afternoon.