Walk Our Labyrinth

The labyrinth offers a sacred space to focus our attention and listen to God’s voice as we discover our inner sacred space. The simple act of following the path of the labyrinth invites us to the center of our being and our relationship with the Lord.
Before walking the labyrinth, take a few moments to reflect on a feeling, thought, concern, or experience in your life that you bring to your labyrinth walk. Then simply step into the labyrinth and follow the path. You may wish to stop at various points and then continue. You may wish to walk the labyrinth without stopping. You may wish to sit on a bench in the middle or outside of the labyrinth. The labyrinth walk is your walk. There is no right or wrong way to engage with it. Take the first step and open yourself to the experience of walking the labyrinth
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A resource for discovering the labyrinth as a spiritual practice is "Walking a Sacred Path" by Lauren Artress.
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