Living Out Catholic Social Teaching
Ascension is committed to proclaiming and living our Catholic Social Teaching:
- promoting the dignity of all persons
- living out our call to nurture families, to create inclusive parish and local communities and to participate in civic life
- supporting a living wage and healthy environment for workers and workers’ rights
- working for justice, equality and access to the basic human needs of education, medical attention, housing, food, clothing and shelter
- standing in solidarity with the vulnerable and marginalized, and
- the stewardship of our relationships and creation.
Parish activities and events are focused on education, consciousness raising and action to help all of us create a more just and peaceful community, society and world.
Lift Your Voice!
Click on this link to learn about specific proposals before the Minnesota Legislature regarding Housing, Peace and Nonviolence, Supporting Indigenous Communities, Supporting Immigrant Communities, Racial Justice, Poverty and Economic Justice, and Criminal Justice.
For the first time in a very long time there is hope about positive changes being enacted. We need to support legislators who are in favor of these proposals to strengthen them as they deal with some awful pushback in committee hearings.
We are baptized priest, PROPHET and king/queen. Our prophetic voices are needed this year!
Prayer Request
All are asked to pray for the Apache Stronghold regarding an important argument before the 9th Circuit of Appeals on religious freedom on Tuesday, March 21.
Several ways to pray with Apache Stronghold:
*March 20th – Host a movement prayer as the sunsets the night before the court case. Gather friends to hike, walk, run, or ride your prayers.
*March 21st – Choose a form of meditative prayer on the day of the court case. Fast, watch the sunrise, and find stillness as a symbol of solidarity for Apache Stronghold.
Join Us!
We have an active Social Justice group that meets regularly.
Email for Information